How to Find Joy in Christ During Hard Times
"The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life." – John 10:10
I remember a time when joy did not come so easily to me. Though I have much in my life today that brings me joy, that was not always the case. Growing up with deaf parents and then losing both of them before turning 21, having periods of depression and living through unstable housing situations, my family faced numerous hardships to make it each day. Life had its way of dealing cards I did not want to play. Amidst all the chaos, my mother always reminded us that all we needed was God, and through this, I began to understand what true joy was. Life had its way of truly testing whether my joy was from God or just a facade. It’s easy to think that happiness is all we can hope for, but Christ offers us a constant and contagious joy when we dwell in Him. Through every difficulty, His steadfast presence helped me keep going. While life brought great sorrow at times, I learned that finding perspective and holding tightly to hope could help me weather even the hardest of storms.
We all encounter situations and challenges that threaten to steal our joy and happiness. Making ends meet financially, dealing with children who have challenges, or feeling inadequate working a job that seems greater than the skills and the qualities you currently possess—it can all drain our joy. Yet, Christ came to give us life in its fullness, not to let these circumstances overwhelm us. He desires for us to have abundant lives in Him despite the challenges we face. Jesus once explained to the Pharisees how precious each sheep of His flock was, and that He is the gatekeeper. While the Pharisees did not understand what He meant with the parable, I know that the Good Shepherd has invited me to dwell within Him because He desires for me to have life to the full. Despite the many challenges that I face, God is still good. I can still have joy amid chaos. I’ve learned to hold onto this truth, even during the toughest times of my first year in my new role as a Salvation Army officer. There have been moments of frustration and doubt, and I questioned if we were in the right place. But then I was reminded of John 10:10—that God provides all that I need and invites me to live life to the fullest in Him. While I do not know what the future holds, I can be confident in knowing who holds me today, who held me yesterday, and who will hold me tomorrow. Adversities will come. However, Christ reminds us of the opposition He faced, and how we can rely on His strength to get through those adversities. John 10:10 has allowed me to maintain my joy in all circumstances.
Adversity does not have to be the thief that steals the joy placed in you. Joy is endless. Joy is everlasting. Real joy is constant. Joy is constant because it is God the Father who gives joy, and He never changes. You might be tired and weary. You might feel that you have not experienced joy in quite some time. But my friend, I want to remind you that you can have joy again. What a beautiful gift joy is! Wherever you find yourself today, whatever it is that you are battling, whether within yourself or around you, God invites and welcomes you to dwell in Him as He guides you not only as the Good Shepherd but as a loving Father. Even in this Christmas season where all might seem to go wrong, may you turn your face to Jesus, the One who knows you and laid down His life for you. May you be willing to slow down to breathe and embrace the fullness of life that has been gifted to you. I’ll be real with you: keeping hold of joy through tough times? Not easy. But it’s been a game-changer for me. Jesus is there, wanting to walk with you through the current season and every season that comes after, because He came to give abundant life for you. You deserve joy, regardless of what’s going on around you. Take it and make it yours, learning to hold onto it no matter what. Just like Jesus, joy is constant. You are so loved.
Illustration by Janie Hao | This article was originally titled “Never-Ending Joy” in the December 2024 issue of The War Cry.